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Signup Deadline

Meet Entries open at noon the Wednesday prior to the upcoming meet, and close at midnight on the Friday night prior to the upcoming meet.  That leaves only a 2.5 day window to mark both your attendance and select your volunteering positions.

This includes both meet entry status for your swimmers, and any changes to meet job volunteer positions, must be no later than midnight on the Friday prior to the upcoming meet.

If there are unforeseen changes made to:

  • Swimmer attendance: Notify the coaches immediately
  • Volunteer change: You must find a replacement on your own and notify the volunteer coordinators of the change, so labels can be printed correct.  If you cannot find a replacement, notify the volunteer coordinators ASAP.
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Signup Instructions for Swims and Jobs at Meets

Make sure you are logged into the website. If you have completed registration, you should have an account with the website.  Login is found in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

Swimmer Signup

You must declare if your swimmer is attending or not attending each of the scheduled 7 meets.  To do this, click on Meets & Events.  Each meet in the schedule will have a green "MEET ENTRY" button to click on. 

  • Click the green Edit tab under your athletes' names.
  • For each of your athletes, select an option from the drop down list next to their names.
    • (undeclared)
    • Attending
    • Not Attending
  • Click Save to record your choice.

Job Signup

To edit job positions that you originally signed up for during registration, you can click on the "JOB SIGNUP" button, listed for each of the 7 meets.

  • Sign up for volunteer shifts (note one parent may sign up both parents for jobs -- scroll down and you’ll see the other parent listed). 
  • Click Save Assignments.

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